What is List.js?

List.js takes a list of items and renders them using a template.

You can provide the items in several ways:

As well as the template:

Any way you configure it, the list is rendered using the same jQuery plugin, and has access to the same set of rendering helpers: pagination, sorting and filtering. This lets your list evolve from a simple hard-coded test set to your final database-driven, searchable, sortable table, without swapping in different plugins as your requirements expand.


These examples show a subset of the ways you can configure lists; they use example snippets of HTML and JavaScript that you can edit, and the rendered result is displayed below.

You can configure all of the Adcom plugins either through JavaScript as in the following examples, or through data-attributes. Read more about your options here.

Templates Render a simple table of data

To render a dynamic table, simply write the HTML necessary to render a single row. Add a unique identifier to the element that will contain all of the items (in this case, the tbody). List.js includes a minimal template syntax that lets you insert the value of any element by specifying a JSON path as data-field.

Then, initialize your list by calling .list() on the tbody with any options you need. Here, we specify the template by passing in the HTML contents of the tbody explicitly; but this happens by default if you don't specify a template, it is shown here to be explicit. You can also pass in a compiled JavaScript template. Functions will be evaluated by passing the item to the template.

  <tbody id="1">
      <td data-field="id"></td>
      <td data-field="name"></td>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var items = [
    {"id": 1, "name": "one"},
    {"id": 2, "name": "two"},
    // {"id": 3, "name": "three"}
    items: items,
    template: $('#1')[0].innerHTML

Try adding additional items or more columns to see how it changes the output.

While not possible for all element types, where possible we encourage including the template inline inside the list element (as shown above) as a convention to reduce ambiguity in how a page is constructed.

Filtering and Searching

You can tie various input "triggers", such as <input> tags, to a list by adding data-target="#id" to each of them.

The value of each trigger element (either the natural value of something like a text input, or a custom value or regular expression specified with data-pattern) will be matched against every item in the list. If any of the attributes referenced in the trigger's data-fields (specified using a top-level attribute name, or a JSON path) match the value, it will be included.

Items must match every active filter to be included.

<input type="text" data-target="#2" data-filter="name" data-trigger="keyup" placeholder="Search name">
<input type="checkbox" data-target="#2" data-filter="checkbox" data-pattern="true" value="true">
<label for="checkbox">On?</label>
<input type="radio" data-target="#2" data-filter="radio" data-pattern="1" name="radio">
<input type="radio" data-target="#2" data-filter="radio" data-pattern="2" name="radio">

  <tbody id="2">
      <td data-field="name"></td>
      <td data-field="checkbox"></td>
      <td data-field="radio"></td>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var items = [
    {"name": "Number one!", "checkbox": true, radio: "1"},
    {"name": "Number two :(", "checkbox": false, radio: "2"}
  $('#2').list({ items: items });


Any field can be sorted by adding a "sort trigger" to an element, which is triggered on click. Just add data-target and data-sort (where you specify a single field or JSON path) to an element.

On click, the sort cycles through ascending and descending, and is kept track of with the sort-ascending and sort-descending classes on the trigger. Add one of these at the start to default the sort. (number in the example below starts out with sort-ascending.)

<table class="table">
      <th class="sort-control sort-ascending" data-target="#3" data-sort="number">Number</th>
      <th class="sort-control" data-target="#3" data-sort="text">Text</th>
  <tbody id="3">
      <td data-field="number"></td>
      <td data-field="text"></td>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var items = [
    {"number": 1, "text": "Beta"},
    {"number": 2, "text": "Alpha"}
  $('#3').list({ items: items });

You can customize the order / availability of the sort states by adding data-states to the trigger element, with any of the following comma-separated in the desired cycle order: ascending, descending or off (default is just the first two).


Two configuration options can be set or updated on a list: pageSize and currentPage. The text inputs below are set to update the list's settings on change; try updating their values.

<input id="4-size" value="5" type="number" min="1">
<input id="4-page" value="1" type="number" min="1">
<div id="4">
  <button disabled data-field="#"></button>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var items = [ {"#": 1}, {"#": 2}, {"#": 3}, {"#": 4}, {"#": 5}, {"#": 6}, {"#": 7}, {"#": 8}, {"#": 9}, {"#": 10} ];
    items: items,
    pageSize: $('#4-size').val(),
    currentPage: $('#4-page').val(),

  $('#4-size').on('change', function() {
    $('#4').list({pageSize: $(this).val()});
  $('#4-page').on('change', function() {
    $('#4').list({currentPage: $(this).val()});

Similar to the filter and sort triggers above, clicked on an element with data-target and data-page attributes will change the current page.

Remember, you can specify any of the list-level configuration options as data-attributes on the list element itself. For example, pageSize can also be configured by adding a data-page-size attribute to the list element.


A note on using data attributes versus initializer functions.

Initialization List elements

attribute type default description
items array, serialized array The entire set of items to include in the list.
template string, function List element's .innerHTML Either a compiled template function (which will receieve each item in the list to be rendered), or a string that will be compiled into a template. If a template-engine is also passed, that engine will be used to generate the function from the passed-in string.
template-engine function Specify a custom templating function, such as _.template. Used when a string is passed for the template.
page-size integer 20 How many items to display at a time.
current-page integer 1 What page to start with. Can also be updated to switch pages.
show boolean true Whether to render the list immediately after initialization.
remote string A path to an endpoing containing a JSON representation of the items to load into the list.

Filter triggers

attribute type default description
target jQuery selector Selector for the list element.
filter CSV Comma-separated string of fields to include when searching for pattern.
pattern string, regex A case-insensitive string or regex that will be compared against the fields from filter.
trigger string click, change The page event that will trigger the filter updating. Defaults to click for static elements, change for inputs.

Sort triggers

attribute type default description
target jQuery selector Selector for the list element.
sort string The field to sort by.
states string ascending, descending Comma-separated list of which states to cycle through when toggling the sort. Can specify any combination of ascending, descending, and / or off. The initial state defaults to off, but can be set to another one by adding the sort-ascending or sort-descending class to the trigger.

Page triggers

attribute type default description
target jQuery selector Selector for the list element.
page integer The list's currentPage will be updated to this number when the trigger is clicked.

API Public methods

method description
.list({ options }) Any of the list options can be set or updated with this function. Multi word options should be camelcased (page-size = pageSize). You can also set the sorting behavior by passing a sort function as sort. This will override any default sort that is produced by the sort triggers. Similarly, you can override or add filters by passing a slug and filter function as filter, or several of them by passing them as a key/value hash. Filters are addititve; pass null as the value for a given slug to delete a filter.
.list('show') Re-render the list with the latest settings. If data-show is set to false, then this needs to be called manually.
.list('destroy') Destroy the internal list.
.list('add', Object[, index]) Add an item to the list. You can optionally pass the index at which the item should be rendered, if you are not sorting the list.
.list('update', index || element || Object, Object) Update an item in the list. The second argument can be any of the following: 1) the index in the original items list of the element, 2) the DOM element currently rendered within the list representing the item, or 3) a reference to the original item object that was passed into items. The item is replaced with the new item.
.list('delete', index || element || Object) Remove a given item from the list. Same rules for arguments options as above.


All events with a pre and post version (such as show and shown) can be cancelled by calling .preventDefault() on the pre event.

event trigger event properties
show.ac.list Before each time the list is rendered.
shown.ac.list After each time the list is rendered.
loaded.ac.list When the remote list of items has successfully been fetched. Only if the remote option is used
sortChange.ac.list When the sort function is about to be set or updated fields the fields to sort on
sortChanged.ac.list After the sort function has changed, before the list is rendered fields the fields to sort on
function resulting sort function
filterChange.ac.list When any filter is about to be set, updated or deleted key slug for the filter
filter arguments passed to the filter
filterChanged.ac.list After any filter has changed, before the list is rendered key slug for the filter
filter arguments passed to the filter
function resulting filter function
pageChange.ac.list When the page is about to be changed page
pageChanged.ac.list After the page has been changed, before the list is rendered page
paginated.ac.list After the list of items has been paginated internall, before the list is rendered. Use to render dynamic pagination triggers. page
pages number of pages
count item count
items items in the current page
start index
end index